Northallerton Indoor Bowling Club

Northallerton Indoor Bowling Club

Thursday 12:45pm till 3:45pm

A social afternoon of indoor carpet bowling with the benefit of gentle exercise, light competition and companionship.


Just want a bit of leisurely Activity?
Just want to get a bit fitter?

Just want to meet new people?

You can enjoy all there benefits for just £5 each week (with tea and biscuits at half time) and an annual subscription fee.

You don't need to be an expert - just come in a pair of sensible flat shoes.

Your first week will be free of charge so if you don't think indoor bowling will suit you in the longer term then nothing has been lost!

Just give it a try! You wont regret it!   We bowl on Thursday afternoons from 12:45 pm

Event Key:

  • SO Sold Out
  • Sub Subtitled